Vacuum Pump Valves

(new In Box) Pfeiffer Evb 063 Pa Vacuum Angle Valve

(new In Box) Pfeiffer Evb 063 Pa Vacuum Angle Valve
(new In Box) Pfeiffer Evb 063 Pa Vacuum Angle Valve
(new In Box) Pfeiffer Evb 063 Pa Vacuum Angle Valve

(new In Box) Pfeiffer Evb 063 Pa Vacuum Angle Valve   (new In Box) Pfeiffer Evb 063 Pa Vacuum Angle Valve

(NEW IN BOX) PFEIFFER EVB 063 PA VACUUM ANGLE VALVE. This product data sheet is originally written in English. All items listed in their original packaging are assumed to contain the correct part(s) in their respective sizes and quantities unless otherwise marked. Packages may be scratched, torn, crushed or resealed due to storage and warehousing.

Items listed as "USED" are not tested and condition is not known. Any condition known will be noted in Item Specifics: Condition. Picture(s) shown may not always be the exact item received if quantity states more than one available.

Items left beyond 30 days will be marked abandoned and customer loses the right to the item or items, no exceptions.

(new In Box) Pfeiffer Evb 063 Pa Vacuum Angle Valve   (new In Box) Pfeiffer Evb 063 Pa Vacuum Angle Valve